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Fiebings Pure Neatsfoot Oil

Fiebings Pure Neatsfoot Oil

Regular price $86.19
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Fiebing's Pure Neatsfoot Oil

From Fiebing's, an industry leader since 1895. The 100% natural preservative for leather articles that are subjected to rugged use and outdoor exposure. Since the primary function of neatsfoot oil is to replace the evaporated oils in leather, replacing the oils with other natural animal oils is best. Fiebing's Pure Neatsfoot Oil penetrates quickly to protect leather from drying, yet still lets it breathe. Also reconditions old, tired leather. Used by saddlemakers for over a century. Not recommended for use on suede. Made in the U.S.A.

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Model Numbers and UPCs

Style Item NumberUPC
Gallon H236815 025784300658
Quart SLT310635 032 025784300603
Pint SLT310635 016 688499156462
8 oz H236818 025784300504
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