Vaccine Guidelines






Performance Horses


(EEE, WEE, Vee)

From vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 6 months,

2nd dose at 7 months.

From non-vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 3-4 months,

2nd dose at 4-5 months.

Yearlings: Start with annual vaccinations at 12 months.

Adults: Annual vaccination.

Annual vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

Annual Spring vaccination, vaccinate at 6 month intervals if traveling to endemic areas.

Tetanus Toxoid

*Additional booster should be administered at time of penetrating wound or surgery if last dose not within 6 months

From vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 6 months,

2nd dose at 7 months.

From non-vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 3-4 months,

2nd dose at 4-5 months.

Yearlings: Start with annual vaccinations at 12 months.

Adults: Annual vaccination.

Annual vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

Annual vaccination

West Nile Virus

From vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 6 months,

2nd dose at 7 months.

From non-vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 3-4 months,

2nd dose at 4-5 months.

Yearlings: Start with annual vaccinations at 12 months.

Adults: Semi-annual vaccination.

Semi-annual vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

Semi-annual vaccination


From vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 6 months,

2nd dose at 7 months.

3rd dose at 8 months.

*If using intranasal vaccine, start 2 dose series at 9 months.

Yearlings: Start with annual vaccinations at 12 months.

Adults: Semi-annual vaccination.

Semi-annual vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

At least semi-annual vaccination with vaccination every 3-4 months highly recommended.


(EHV-1 and EHV-4)

From vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 6 months,

2nd dose at 7 months.

3rd dose at 8 months.

From non-vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 3-4 months,

2nd dose at 4-5 months.

3rd dose at 5-6 months.

Yearlings: Start with semi-annual vaccinations at 12 months.

Adults: Semi-annual vaccination.

EHV-1 vaccine at 5th, 7th and 9th months of gestation.

EHV-1 and EHV-4 vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

At least semi-annual vaccination with vaccination every 3-4 months highly recommended.


From vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 6 months,

2nd dose at 7 months.

From non-vaccinated mares:

1st dose at 3-4 months,

2nd dose at 4-5 months.

Yearlings: Start with annual vaccination at 12 months.

Adults: Annual vaccination.

Annual vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

Annual vaccination


*Optional - recommended at locations that have had previous outbreaks.

Injectable: 1st dose at 4-6 months, 2nd dose at 5-7 months.

Intranasal: 1st dose at 6 months, 2nd dose 3 weeks later.

Yearlings: Start with annual vaccination at 12 months.

Adults: Semi-annual vaccination.

Semi-annual vaccination 4-6 weeks prior to foaling due date.

Semi-annual vaccination

Equine Viral Arteritis

*21 day isolation period required after initial vaccination

Intact colts intended to be breeding stallions:

One dose at 6-12 months.

Fillies: If needed, one dose at 6-12 months.

Yearlings: Annual vaccination for colts intended for breeding stallions.

Annual vaccination if required for breeding or if breeding carrier stallion (isolate mares 21 days after breeding to carrier stallion.)

Annual vaccination for colts intended to be breeding stallion.


*Additional optional vaccinations (Botulism, Potomac Horse Fever, Equine Protozoa Myeloencephalitis - EPM, and others) are available as needed.

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