Essential Trail Riding Equipment

Save a few modern conveniences and technological advances, trail riding brings us back to nature, back to a time when the horse was the preferred, if only mode of transportation. A relaxing trail ride, whether on a flat path, up and down hills, or through dense woods, unites rider with horse in a fashion unlike anything else.

As much as we may like to just saddle up and go, it’s best to be prepared with the right equipment and supplies to get the most out of a trail ride. Here’s a list of the essentials:

In the saddle:

Since you’ll be in it for an extended period of time, you'll want a saddle that is comfortable, for both you and your horse. Don’t forget saddle pads and a saddle blanket for extra padding. A breast collar or cinch will also help hold the saddle in place.

In the bag:

Outfit your tack with saddlebags, so you can bring along those extra necessities. For example, western ties will help you secure your horse where lines are available. If there's nowhere to tie your horse, consider a portable corral. Don't forget a bottle of water and some snacks too!

Just in case:

When riding, you should always be prepared for emergencies, and not only if you’re in a remote area. Leave room in your saddlebags for water, food, and first aid–for you and the horse. Dress appropriately for the ride–wear boots, gloves, and breeches (for English riding) or jeans (for Western).

Bring rain gear, like a slicker or hat, as well as sunblock and bug repellent. And don’t forget maps or, better yet, a global positioning system (GPS) to help ensure you get back from your ride safely.

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